A Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Kid's Memory Book

published on 18 February 2022
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There's no better feeling than seeing your child grow and learn, and the best way to keep those memories alive is through a memory book. However, not everyone knows how to get started.

You might feel overwhelmed by all the different options you have for this project. In this post, we'll break down the steps necessary to create a successful kids memory book.

We'll show you how to choose between specialty products and DIY methods, what materials you need, how to set up your work area, and what additional resources are out there for you on this project. This blog is a guide for both beginners and experienced crafters alike.>>>

Why Create a Memory Book?

Creating a kids' memory book is important for so many reasons. These memories are some of the most treasured memories you'll have, and it's essential to preserve them. You'll want to document their first word, their first steps, and the first time they saw snow. By doing this project, you can do just that. You'll be able to look back and remember those special moments in their life with them right there by your side.

How to Get Started

Before you start on your kids' memory book, you have a few decisions to make. The first decision is whether you want to purchase something pre-made or make the memory book yourself. If you would like to purchase a pre-made book, you'll have the benefit of having everything neatly laid out for you and ready to go. This can be particularly helpful for those who are novice to crafts or wish to make this project more quickly. However, if you want to create it yourself, there are plenty of resources on how to do so.

The second decision is what materials you're going to need. You'll need paper, scissors, glue stick or rubber cement, a hole punch, ribbon or string of some sort (to tie up your finished book), and markers in the color that matches your theme.>>>


The first step to making a kids' memory book is to lay out your materials. You will want to gather the necessary supplies first. This includes:

To create a kids' memory book, you'll need:

  •  Heavyweight paper or card stock, paper plates
  • Pencils, pens, crayons, and markers
  • Glue sticks or tape
  • A ruler and scissors
  • A hole punch
  • Wash tape/ribbon/craft jewels (optional)

Work Area Setup

First, you'll need to set up your work area. You can decide if you want to purchase a memory book or create your own with a sketchbook and some scrapbook paper. If you are using a pre-made book, it's important to make sure that the pages don't come loose, as they are often glued into place. To resolve this problem, use a hot glue gun to secure the pages before starting any artwork.

Next, you'll want to prepare your materials for the project. Your kids will need lots of space to make their art, so be sure to have a big table cleared off for them. If you are making your own book and intend to draw images for each page, then this step is not necessary for you.

Getting Organized

First, get your supplies together and set up your work area. For a memory book, you'll want to have a stack of old magazines or scrap paper on one side of the table, scissors, and glue on the other side, and a few sheets of blank paper in front of you.

If you're making a kids' memory book with photos, take all the photos out of their frames and spread them out on your worktable. Next, go through each photo and cut out any extraneous information in the background (such as newspaper articles). This will make it easier to add the photos into your book. You'll also want to trim off any excess white space to accommodate different sized pictures.

If you're going for an artsy look for your kids' memory book, start by adding glue to one sheet of blank paper. Then place down one picture at a time and lay it flat against the surface using fingers or weights (e.g., heavy books) to keep it from curling up as it dries. Once all the pictures are glued down, trim off any excess paper around the edges.>>>

Pick the themes' for your scrapbook project

When you're getting started, it's important to pick the appropriate themes. 

Pick dividers, stickers, and other decoration

The first step is picking out your dividers, stickers, and other decor. Consider different themes and how you want the book to look. For example, you could have different sections for โ€œfamily,โ€ โ€œfriends,โ€ "school,โ€ etc.

You need to decide whether you're going to make your own dividers and stickers or purchase them. If you buy them from a local store, go ahead and pick out what you want now so that when it's time to build your memory book, everything will be ready.

You'll also need paper for the pages of your book. You can purchase pre-made scrapbook paper (usually found in stationery stores), but if you're seeking something more personalized, consider using items like old maps, postcards, or printed pictures of friends or family members.

Starting Your Project

Regardless of whether you're making your own or buying one pre-made, it's important to set up your work area first. You'll want some space where you can lay out all of your materials comfortably, as well as have room on either side for any additional supplies that may come in handy later.

The first thing you'll need to do is think of the timeline of events that make up your child's life. This can be challenging, but it's significant to make sure you don't forget any major milestones. Some possible milestones might be their first day of school, their first birthday party, or even their first Christmas.

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